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How to add Captcha in Contact Form 7

Contact Form 7 is probably one of the most popular WordPress plugins of all time. It’s flexible, expandable, relatively easy to setup. But as any other form plugins for WordPress it attracts spammers.

One of the best ways to secure your forms is to add Captcha to them. Luckily Contact Form 7 supports Google raCaptcha so you can avoid spammers and bots without a sweat.

Today I’ll show you how easy is to add Google reCaptha to WordPress website.

How to enable Captcha in Contact Form 7 plugin

First thing you need to do is go to your WordPress admin panel, and click Contact >> Integration in WordPress admin menu.

Once you’re there scroll to the bottom of the page click Setup Integration on the reCAPTCHA section.

how to enable google recatcha in contact form 7 wordpress plugin

Google reCaptcha requires special keys that need to be added to Contact Form 7 plugin to make reCaptcha work. Go to Google reCaptcha page (link here), login with your Google credentials if needed, and click on v3 Admin Console.

how to get keys from google recaptcha to contact form 7

Now you need to fill the reCaptcha form:

  1. Enter any label you want – it will only be used to name the reCaptcha if you’ll ever need to find or edit it.
  2. Select reCAPTCHA v3
  3. Enter domain of your website and hit + button
  4. Accept the reCAPTCHA terms
  5. Hit Submit.

contact form 7 recaptcha keys

After submitting the form you’ll get the keys for your website. Copy them.

contact form 7 recaptcha keys

Paste these reCAPTCHA keys to the intefgration form you opened before in your WordPress website, and hit Save Changes.

how to enable and configure recaptcha in contact form 7 wordpress plugin

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That’s it – now your Contact Form 7 forms have recaptcha enabled automatically.

How to enable recaptcha only where it’s needed

There’s one more thing you need to know about recaptcha in Contact Form 7 plugin. Once you activate reCaptcha it loads on every single page of your WordPress website. Read this article to learn how to load reCAPTCHA only where necessary in your WordPress site.

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